Saturday, 7 November 2009


I was going to show some "work" in progress but I am under strict instructions - my agent said what I was "working on" was "top secret". So instead of a view of my trusty easel groaning under the weight of a huge canvas, (quite a few trusted friends have seen it already) - here's a "peaceful" shot of my desk piled high with reference books - oh and the odd paint brush !
Oh by the way if you are into fine art I can recommend the book in the foreground, "light art" - it's a contemporary collection of painting, drawing, installation and smaller scale sculpture - all - yes you're there already- all inspired by or including light as an essential element of the work. As a gereatric hippy I love the work of American artist James Turrell, who amongst many others are featured in this tour de force of a book ! It was an expensive tome but one that was remaindered and hugely discounted ! Good on you "Pennies From Heaven". Well that's the plug over and done with - it's now time to get on with some work - toodle pip !


Be careful where you place your groynes - someone might just turn up and give them a grid reference !